Du Fu was a poet in the Tang Dynasty who rivaled Li --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Bai for the title of China¡s greatest poet. He showed a life- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- time concernover the fate of the nation and the people, and --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- wrote many poems denouncing social problems. For want --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- of space we can only quote a few lines of his poetry as an --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- illustration: --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Behind the mansion¡s crimson gates, wine is --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- left to sour, meat to rot. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Outside lie the bodies of those who have --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- frozen or died of starvation. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ¡¡ ¡ A Song of One Hundred Lines on the Journey from --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the Capital to Fengxian County ¡ --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- For three months the beacon fires soar and burn the skies, --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- A family letter is worth ten thousand gold in price. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ¡¡ ¡ A Spring View ¡